puppy training
exercise and training times
Fridays 5:00 p.m
Sabine Adam +49 1578 8233534,E-mail
Jenni Riedl
What are you bringing?
collar or harness and Eure normal leash (please no flexi)
and of course treats
Interest? Registration form welcomehere
Welpen - unsere Kleinsten
Im frühen Alter von 8 Wochen sind Welpen sehr "wissbegierig" und vor Allem sehr lernfähig. Es ist die beste Zeit, sie an die Umwelt und deren Einflüsse heran zu führen und sie den Umgang mit ihren Artgenossen zu lehren. Hier können wir gerne hilfreich zur Seite stehen um die Kleinen und ihre Zweibeiner gezielt auf ihr "Hundeleben" vorzubereiten.
Spielerisch trainieren wir mit den Welpen
das Zusammensein mit ihren Artgenossen
den Beginn des Grundgehorsams
das Laufen an der Leine
Verschiedene Untergründe und Geräusche
Welpen Spiel mit den Artgenossen
Und natürlich wir achten darauf, dass im Spiel die "Größenverhältnisse" unter den Welpen stimmen.
Puppies - our little ones
At the early age of 8 weeks, puppies are very "inquisitive" and above all very capable of learning. It is the best time to introduce them to the environment and its influences and to teach them how to interact with their fellow dogs. Here we are happy to help to prepare the little ones and their two-legged friends for their "dog life".
We playfully train with the puppies
being with their peers
the beginning of basic obedience
walking on a leash
Various backgrounds and sounds
Puppies play with their peers
And of course we make sure that the "size proportions" among the puppies are correct in the game.
Our two "puppy girls" are happy to be there for you
Sabine Adam and Jenni Riedel
Sabina Adamis an experienced puppy and young dog trainer who already has several years of experience from other clubs. She herself leads her two Golden Retrievers Oskar and Jara in the area of BH and IBGH. Sabine is your first point of contact.
You can reach Sabine by phone on +49 1578 8233534 or byE-mail
Jenni Riedel is at Sabine's side with advice and action. She also brings experience in dealing with dogs of all sizes and age groups from her work as a veterinary employee and her private environment. She herself leads her giant schnauzer Bruno and the small Havanese bitch Elsa in the BH and IBGH area

Jenni und ihr "Rudel"
Unsere Welpen und Junghunde